
“I was a little apprehensive about having healing online with Denise instead of in person, I wondered if it would be as effective but I was pleasantly surprised that it ended up to be one of the most powerful healing experiences I’ve had! Denise tuned into my blocks & channeled information about what was worrying me- it was just what I needed. And the benefit was that it was all in the comfort of my own home so I was able to rest afterwards instead of having to travel home. I would highly recommend online healing to those who aren’t sure. You’ll be glad you did. Thank you so much Denise.”
S. Alvarez 

“I went to The Healing Sanctuary Reiki Share and had such a calm and beautiful afternoon. Denise was a fabulous host and the energy in the room was amazing. She led a beautiful meditation, we all received wonderful treatments and sent lots of Reiki to those in need. Felt very blessed to meet everyone and I look forward to attending another one soon.”
Kerry O’Sullivan

“Hi Denise, I just want to say thank you for introducing me to the wonders of Theta. Having already enjoyed the benefits of Reiki with you, I was curious to see what Theta could offer. I found it energising whilst relaxing my mind and enabling me to focus and I like the way you can pinpoint and target separate issues both physically and mentally. I felt benefits almost immediately even though I know you say it is most effective after one sleep cycle. Am definitely going to book some more.”
Pam Higham

“This afternoon was amazing! You attracted lovely people. Thank you, I’m still  feeling relaxed and calm.”
Trish Flood

“Denise is an amazing person, I have had several appointments and feel, calm and balanced after every session. She has really helped me. Thank you Denise.”
Lyn Smith

“Thank you to The Healing Sanctuary, Meopham, for a wonderful day at their Christmas Spirit Launch Day yesterday with all the lovely ladies offering extraordinary treatments. A special thank you to Denise for a fantastic Reiki Treatment. It was a wonderful experience.”
Maureen Lennon

“I have been having regular Reiki Healing sessions with Denise for 5 months now and I feel like a new person. Denise radiates calmness and trust and I always leave the Reiki sessions feeling super relaxed, balanced, healed and grounded. On top of being a Reiki Healer and ThetaHealing Pactitioner Denise is also an empath, clairvoyant and intuitive. This combination of learnt and natural skills is a unique, divine and magical cocktail for healing, therefore I would recommend Denise 100%. For those that aren’t so open minded Denise also practices Reiki on its own without these other extras, but in my opinion not taking advantage of all her skills would be like owning a mansion and only ever using one room. Thank you Denise you are so talented and amazing I want to shout it off the roof tops to everyone!!! Continue spreading your sparkle and magic, the world needs more people like you.”
Renata Spinelli

I felt thoroughly relaxed and enlightened after my reiki session with Denise. She radiates her warm and caring nature, and I found her intuitive messages really comforting. I left my session feeling very uplifted, positive and recharged. I am really looking forward to my second treatment.”
Jo Gabriel-Smith

“I met Denise last year through a good friend of mine who had recommended Denise’s treatments to me. Denise has a beautiful energy and radiates warmth, calm and understanding and her wonderful intuitive and grounding treatments have helped me so much in so many ways in my life. Following treatments I always feel so calm, balanced, uplifted and inspired. In addition to my reiki treatments I am attending the monthly reiki shares that Denise holds which are always a wonderful afternoon of relaxation, healing and calming energy. I have also been to a retreat and the aura reading and healing days that Denise has held which have been such fun, open and inspiring days in which i’ve learnt so much and have been able to try new things such as getting my aura read (so interesting!) and receiving a lovely theta healing treatment from Denise (which i have booked myself a treatment this month, can’t wait!) I whole-heartedly recommend Denise to anyone and everyone looking to feel more calm, balanced and grounded and improve and boost their mental, emotional and physical wellbeing and motivation in their life. Thank you Denise, Lots of Love.”

I met Denise at an event and was struck by the sense of calm that comes from her. When she explained what she was achieving with Theta, I decided to book a session and I had a wonderful experience. Denise has a really gentle approach and amazing insight. She would “see” my blockages and release them gently. It was a truly freeing experience. At some point I realised that I could truly breathe fully for the first time since I can’t even remember. There was a few tears of relief and a huge energy boost. At the end of the session, I had a smile on my face and literally jumped with joy! I can’t recommend Denise enough, she truly has a gift to help people.Once again, thank you Denise.”
Johanna V

“I too have experienced the ‘magic’ that is Denise and can’t beleive the transformation. After many years of trying various forms of therapy and healing I feel i have stuck GOLD! Following time spent in Theta sessions, attending Goddess workshops and aura readings I feel so much more positive in life. Even when things get hectic and overwhelming I find I’m so much more able to bounce back and look on the bright side. Thank you so much and of course to Tricia too. Looking forward to our next meet up and carrying on the good work.”
Kim Alchorn

“I have only recently been having theta sessions with Denise and have found them very energising and quite amazing! Such an eye opener to find out what you are truly feeling about yourself and life.Denise is a lovely person who radiates calm and love, I have found the whole experience very positive.”
Corrinne Pressling

“I have been regularly seeing Denise for the past couple of months. Not only does she make me feel welcome and at ease, her warm and heartfelt manner enables me to completely relax in her company and I know this helps us to work through some deep and sometimes tricky ‘issues’ that have needed dealing with. Her insight, intuition and sensitivity have been perfectly balanced and I always leave our sessions feeling lighter and brighter. If you need healing, then I’d recommend Denise without question.”
Joanna Fazzani

“I am so blown away by how, amazingly talented & intuitive Denise is, she has an incredible gift to be able to really see and feel things on a clairvoyant / spiritual level. She makes you feel completely at ease and I always come out of her sessions feeling totally relaxed, extremely happy and contented in knowing that she has worked on changing my core beliefs on a mind and soul level. I will be forever grateful for how much of a positive influence she has been in my life and after a few sessions I could already see and feel big changes happening. My energy levels and confidence has shifted in so many positive ways thanks to Denise.”
Nicola Macmillan

“Thank you so much Denise Withey for a truly beautiful session today. I felt like I travelled into another realm and got to see and feel some of my guides. I feel different this evening and hope it continues, I look forward to doing my Reiki one with you xx”
Charlie Tibbs