About MeMy story

After many years of working extremely long hours as a designer in London and then running a successful fashion publication with my business partner, life took an unexpected turn when one day I collapsed and blacked out.

At first, I thought that I was just working too hard and it would all be OK with a little rest, but the faints got worse and more frequent. Often, I would collapse but remain semi-conscious and these episodes sometimes lasted around an hour before I could get back up on my feet again.

Following numerous tests in hospital I was diagnosed with complete burn out and a condition known as Vasovagal Syncope. The doctors told me that there was nothing more they could do and I was sent home under the instructions to completely change my lifestyle.

This was devastating news to me as I loved my work, salsa dancing regularly and socialising with my friends & family. Things had got to the point in my life where I didn’t even have the strength to hold a conversation! As a consequence I also suffered from Severe Stress, Agoraphobia, Panic Attacks and had very little control of what my body could or could not do.

After extensive research, I decided to try some alternative healing therapies that offered a possible solution for me. These included Reiki & ThetaHealing, also EFT, Cranial Osteopathy, Hypnotherapy,  Counselling and seeking advice from a Nutritionist.

The results of these treatments were so profound that I am now completely free of medication! These complementary therapies have given me a second chance in life and although I have not quite regained my full energy levels back yet, I can now live a normal life again. 

During those highly challenging years I lost my health & my independence, but I found hope and I met some very inspirational people, many of whom have now become very good friends. I have completely rediscovered myself and I am now on a shiny new path. I have retrained and I’m really excited about taking more training courses and joining forces with other therapists, so that I can expand & grow The Healing Sanctuary.

I love my work and I am totally passionate about helping others with their own healing journey, which in turn allows them to live their lives to the fullest potential. 

I look forward to meeting you.

Love & Light, Denise  x