Angelic light & Earth light Reiki

1 hr   £60

Earth Light Reiki encourages deep self-healing and is based on the original energy healing system of Usui Reiki. This wonderful new enlightening experience focuses on channelling all aspects of the Earth Light energy of Reiki while also channeling the beautiful love-light healing energy of ArchAngels.

Blessed through the lineage of the Ascended Masters, It is described as Earth Light as it recognises and honours both our physical, Earthly self and also our spiritual, Light self, combining the two as one and integrating these completely.

Earth Light Reiki is a journey to our Earth core or heart centre in which we step through energetically and awaken our Earth Light energy to encourage our own unique healing and channelling ability to awaken.

It is a deeply powerful experience and can create some quite dramatic shifts of consciousness – Earth Light Reiki not only brings a new quality of balance to your life and harmony with Earth it also guides you to explore your own inner master, inner teacher, inner therapist and empower your own life accordingly.

Earth Light Reiki was originally channelled to Caroline and Donna of Ascending Angels with the love-light of the Ascended Masters who, with an attunement, open a gateway through the core heart of Gaia, our Earth, to awaken our natural knowledge of Earths healing energy that we call Reiki.

Earth Light Reiki opens you to the entire energy field of Reiki, so that during a treatment you may receive the channeled energy, sound, language and all aspects of Reiki and enhances the unique and natural healing abilities of the Reiki Therapist.

"The energy that we describe as Earth Light Reiki is already flowing through you, all the teacher/facilitator/experience creates is the consciousness awakening to this belief.  We are all healing masters, we all have the power to make positive transformations to our lives, we can all use this purely positive energy to release old perceived wounds and feel whole again.”  Caroline Sharp



1 hr                     £90
1 1/2 hrs            £120
2 hrs                  £150

​Bespoke packages can be arranged. Sessions are also offered by Skype.

The ThetaHealing technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health.

The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy - not specific to one religion, but accepting them all - with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator. It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do.

Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing technique creates a positive lifestyle.

The ThetaHealing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use, one's natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of the ‘Creator of all that is’ to do the "work." We believe that by changing the brain wave cycle to include the "Theta" state, you can actually watch the Creator create instantaneous and emotional well-being. We have learned that through the ThetaHealing technique intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous physical and emotional well-being.

When we connect with the Creator or Universal Life Energy, our brainwaves automatically go into the theta state of mind. In this theta brainwave you can change your reality instantaneously.

Our thoughts create our own reality, over 90% of what we think and do is controlled on a subconscious level, imagine how powerful it would be to get in touch with that part of us and change our programming to create our dreams into reality.

Are you achieving the results in your life that you truly desire? Have you ever tried to create what you want in your life, but somehow seem to get just the opposite? Or have you noticed that you have repeat life patterns that you just can't seem to shift?

This is where the ThetaHealing technique can help.

The ThetaHealing technique allows you to connect with the Theta brain wave state to identify and instantly change the limiting beliefs and emotions in the subconscious mind that may have been holding you back from reaching your fullest potential of health, happiness & overall fulfillment.

Although we are not aware of our subconscious thoughts and beliefs, they are the beliefs that are creating the results you see in your life every day. Usually you will discover that your unconscious thoughts and beliefs are the exact opposite of what you are saying and thinking on a conscious level.

For example, maybe you would like to earn a lot more money, but you have the unconscious programming that being very wealthy is bad. Or you may be wondering why your life is always filled with stress and drama when you all dream of is peace & calm. But if you have the unconscious belief that life is a struggle, this is what you will be continuously manifesting.

A ThetaHealing session usually begins with a gentle body scan and love & light is sent to the client to help them relax. I receive information intuitively and also by questioning the client to identify their feelings and beliefs. Then, by using finger muscle testing or the sway method with the client, these limiting beliefs can be clarified.

I access the deepest theta brain wave state, (which is usually only experienced during deep meditation) then I can instantly release and replace the limiting beliefs with any positive beliefs & feelings of the clients choosing. I witness and explain the healing transformation taking place within the client. The healings can only take place with the client’s permission and the client always remains in conscious state.

The Theta Healing technique works on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  It brings fast effective results and feels extremely safe and supportive to work with. It can ‘shift’ and heal things that have appeared to be ‘stuck’ before. The ThetaHealing technique can help you to discover and change blocks, limiting life patterns and self-sabotage in your life, creating whole new levels of freedom and fulfillment.

The Theta brain wave state is experienced by both the practitioner and the client during a session. Theta is a very deep relaxed state of mind where the brain waves slow down to between 4-7 cycles per second . This brain wave state is usually only possible to access during deep state hypnosis or meditation, however during a ThetaHealing session we are able to access this state while fully conscious and aware.

The Theta brain wave state allows connection to the subconscious mind where all the  beliefs, fears, experiences, memories & emotions are all stored. The subconscious mind also has a deeper connection to intuition and the Creator. This connection allows us to access, identify and change deep held beliefs and feelings instantly.

Connecting to Theta can help many things including reducing stress, relaxing the mind & body and awakening creativity and intuition. Recent scientific studies have discovered that the emotions of deep internal peace are only felt when theta brain waves are dominant on the E.E.G. Evidence also shows that Theta brainwaves allow the strongest form of spiritual connection.

To learn more about ThetaHealing visit

Akashic Records

1 hr                   £90
1 1/2 hrs          £120
2 hrs                £150

The Akashic Records are the energetic records of all souls about their past lives, the present lives, and possible future lives. Each and every one of us has our own set of Akashic Records, like a series of books with each book representing one lifetime. The Hall (or Library) of the Akashic Records is where all souls’ Akashic Records are stored energetically.

An Akashic Records reading and healing can help you understand why you are going through certain lessons and challenges in this life and enables you to make new choices. We can identify and release any negative blocks or restrictions that you created against your original intent as a Divine Being. Having Akashic Record Readings can help you learn how to be more conscious and proactive in creating positive changes in your life now and in the future.

Before your reading it helps to have your questions ready, these can be to do with finances, relationships, growth, health etc. I then access your records with your permission to discover the answers to your questions. Since I have been doing Akashic Records readings I have seen the most amazing and instant changes in peoples lives.

Theta & Reiki Combo

1 hr                   £90
1 1/2 hrs          £120
2 hrs                £150

A beautiful combination of ThetaHealing and Reiki tailored to your individual needs. You can either begin with about an hours ThetaHealing whilst sitting comfortably while we work through your limiting beliefs……

After which you can totally relax on the Reiki bed for the remainder of the session and drift off into your own world whilst receiving the warm comforting healing and soothing energies of Earth Light Reiki. I may also use crystals and essential oils to enhance the healing.
Normally ThetaHealing takes place whilst sitting in a chair and connecting to the practitioners hand to receive the channeled energy. You can choose to lay on the Reiki bed and begin with Theta, then I will gradually change the energy Reiki after the Theta Healing is complete. Some people find one way is more powerful than the other, this all depends on the individual.
This combination of ThetaHealing & Reiki is a very popular choice with many of my clients and I especially recommend this for a first healing session.

For more information on ThetaHealing and Reiki, please see a more detailed description on my treatments page.

Akashic & Theta

1 hr                   £90
1 1/2 hrs          £120
2 hrs                £150

A magical combination of an Akashic Records reading, learning about your past lives, tailored to your question/block followed by a ThetaHealing in relation to what we discover during your reading. This ThetaHealing may include ending soul contracts, cord cutting and healing past life traumas that can appear in this lifetime in repeated patterns.

For more information on ThetaHealing and The Akashic Records, please see a more detailed description on my treatments page.

Equine & Energy Healing Experience 

The Healing Sanctuary, Meopham and The Little Horse Yard at Horton Kirby have co-created a unique, highly effective personal development and healing experience.

Denise Withey and Michelle Budd are connecting to offer a supported and accelerated learning and healing experience.

Equine Assisted Learning - For people looking for answers & support with relationships, work, progress, acceptance, forgiveness. For those suffering trauma, addiction, for children & adults with autism. Great for team building, training and resilience. (Not horse riding). Animal therapy and Retreat days. (Confidentiality policy in place).

The Healing Sanctuary offers a wonderful combination of relaxing healing modalities, intuition & spiritual life coaching to relieve stress, trauma, anxiety, pain and remove old patterns and blocks holding you back from living a life of happiness, freedom and fulfilment. Denise offers a combination of Earth Light & Angelic Reiki, Theta Healing, Akashic Records readings and Crystal Therapy with intuitive guidance.

These one off sessions or special packages are created to your individual requirements.

For bookings and enquiries please contact me.

Spiritual Mentor

Initial session
1 hr  -  £60
2 hrs  -  £95

Do you recognise that you have spiritual gifts but something is blocking you or holding you back from using them? Are strange things happening that you can’t explain and would like to find an reason why? Would you like to learn how to develop your gifts or learn how and when to use them in a safe environment? In these sessions we can work together at your own pace to remove any blocks or fears that you may have and you can learn tips and tricks to use in your every day life to help make things flow more easily.

We can work together with ThetaHealing, Reiki, Angels, Spirit guides, crystals and oracle cards depending on what you would like to achieve.

This is an on-going support system where we can connect on a weekly basis, usually at the same time each week via Skype or in person. As each person is unique, we can set up a schedule and price plan after our initial meeting together.

Healing Packages

In order to get the very best results from your healing sessions with me and to get full benefit from my range of holistic healing treatments, wealth of knowledge, natural intuition & spiritual coaching skills, I wholly recommend that you work with me over a series of sessions that are designed to your own specific needs.

Please see the Spiritual Life Coaching page for full details.


In order to get the very best of the time that I spend with you, and to enhance your healing experience, I meditate and prepare for each session, clearing the healing space beforehand. Afterwards, I spend time writing detailed notes, which I keep as record of your ongoing healing journey.